I'll be taking flowers to the cemetery of my heart, for all of my lovers in the present and in the dark • adele, strangers by nature

<3 comédias românticas, romance, fantasia, humor, fluff e universos alternativos. uma pitadinha de angústia

:( terror, drama, gore, conteúdo sensível extremo e/ou angústia excessiva

sterek, steter, winteriron, thilbo, spideypool, stony, deckstar, johnlock, geraskier, ghostsoap (cod), nagron (spartacus)

fics originais
⋅ Dancing in the Dark (sterek)
⋅ When Night Comes (sterek)
⋅ Meet Me Halfway (sterek)
⋅ sterek fluff oneshots
⋅ Calcanhar de Aquiles (johnlock)
⋅ dancin (johnlock)
⋅ Stolen Kisses (johnlock)

fics adaptadas/traduzidas
⋅ Babysitter (sterek) - @stwarlight
⋅ Thorin e a Fera (thilbo) - @authoressjean
⋅ nada como ciúmes para mudar as coisas (thilbo) - @EarendilElwing

TRADUÇÕES e ADAPTAÇÕES só de fanfics e autorizadas